MAC Georgia provides free training to teachers and school administrators on a wide-range of topics including the principles of inclusive education, adaptations/accommodations, classroom behavior management, and strategies for teaching. Whether you're part of a university faculty, from a public school, or an employee at a kindergarten, our courses are for you!
MAC Georgia offers a variety of free training options for caregivers of persons with disabilities. Providing support across the country, our multi -disciplinary team will work with you and your team to build your skills and understanding and to strengthen your overall program curriculum and level of support.

MAC Georgia provides free consultations and training to medical professionals around the country. Our team of occupational therapists will work with you and your center/hospital to understand the importance of rehabilitation and to integrate evidence-based practices into your continuum of healthcare.
MAC Georgia recognizes that the most important work with disabilities often happens at home among families. We offer free training, consultation, and support to families of persons with disabilities, so that they can better understand their child's needs and provide the support necessary for their child or sibling to reach his/her maximum independence.

MAC will not be limited in achieving our mission of serving, in whatever way possible, every disabled person in Georgia. To further this goal, we created a series of free innovative trainings that bring our experts to you — wherever you are. Each short, information-packed video is delivered online both independently and in conjunction with Tbilisi University.